Lesson series
"Brand It Yourself" Digital Workshop Module 1: Broth
Our first module will help you clearly and confidently establish and articulate your brand purpose, philosophy, values & archetype to help guide your brand voice.
What's Included
Your Core Brand Elements
The workshop will guide you through a series of activities that will help you to unearth the core elements of branding - your brand purpose, values, philosophy and brand archetype.
Brand On A Page
After the workshop you will be sent your Brand on a Page - a document which outlines everything you discovered through the BIY workshop, easy to use, reference and share at any time.
Feedback & Review
One of our brand experts will review your branding document and provide valuable feedback and thoughts which you can take into consideration.
You Own It Forever
Once you have bought it once, you have it forever. You can come back and re-do this module with your current brand/business as it evolves, or use it again for future brands!