5 Brands That Started Small

Why do we believe that great brands can come from anyone? Because some of the best brands in the world started small. Here are 5 of them.
Jun 15 / BrandRamen
At BrandRamen, we believe in the power of strong branding to transform small startups into household names. Here are five inspiring stories of brands that started small and used savvy branding to set themselves apart from the competition.

1. AirBnB

When Airbnb started in 2008, it was just a small startup with a big idea: letting people rent out their spare rooms to travelers. What set Airbnb apart was its branding. The founders focused on creating a strong, trustworthy brand that made both hosts and guests feel safe and connected. Their branding emphasized community, trust, and a sense of belonging. The iconic Bélo logo, representing "belonging," and the tagline "Belong Anywhere" encapsulated their mission perfectly.
Warby Parker began as a small online retailer selling prescription glasses at affordable prices. Their branding was key to their success. They positioned themselves as a stylish, socially conscious alternative to the expensive, traditional eyewear market. Warby Parker's branding focused on simplicity, affordability, and giving back—highlighting their buy-one-give-one program. Their quirky, fun, and approachable brand personality resonated with consumers, setting them apart in a crowded market.

2. Warby Parker

3. Dollar Shave Club

Starting as a small subscription service for razor blades, Dollar Shave Club disrupted the shaving industry with its bold branding and humorous marketing. Their viral launch video, "Our Blades Are F***ing Great," showcased their irreverent brand personality and instantly set them apart from traditional razor brands. Dollar Shave Club’s branding was all about simplicity, convenience, and fun, appealing to a younger, tech-savvy audience.
Innocent Drinks started as a small smoothie company selling homemade smoothies at a music festival. Their branding focused on being natural, healthy, and environmentally friendly. The playful and honest brand voice, along with their distinctive packaging featuring little hats on smoothie bottles, made them stand out. Innocent Drinks built a strong emotional connection with their customers through their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

4. Innocent Drinks

5. Glossier

Glossier began as a beauty blog, Into the Gloss, before launching its own line of beauty products. The brand's success lies in its community-driven approach and minimalist branding. Glossier's branding focuses on real people and real experiences, promoting natural beauty and inclusivity. Their clean, modern packaging and relatable social media presence created a loyal fanbase. Glossier’s “skin first, makeup second” philosophy resonated with consumers looking for simplicity and authenticity in beauty products.

Why branding helps small businesses grow.

These brands demonstrate the power of strong branding in setting a business apart. A well-defined brand helps build trust, creates emotional connections, and differentiates your business from competitors. Branding isn’t just about a logo or a catchy slogan—it’s about conveying the essence of your business and connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

How BrandRamen Can Help

At BrandRamen, we’re dedicated to making branding accessible, easy, and affordable. Our BIY (Brand It Yourself) workshops provide the tools and guidance you need to create a strong brand that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re a small startup or looking to rebrand, we’re here to help you turn your vision into reality.

The journey from startup to successful brand is challenging, but with strong branding, it’s achievable. Let these success stories inspire you to invest in your brand and set yourself apart from the competition.

Ready To Start Your Branding Journey?

The BrandRamen BIY workshop is available soon, starting with module one: The Broth, which helps you build the foundation of your brand.

It includes activities, tools to help you evaluate, and more. 

Preorder price is 50% off for a limited time.

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